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Subject: Re: [boost] [xint] Boost.XInt formal review
From: Stewart, Robert (Robert.Stewart_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-03-07 09:08:33
Chad Nelson wrote:
> "Jeffrey Lee Hellrung, Jr." <jhellrung_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> > - is_odd, is_even, sign, hex_digits, is_nan: These are all
> > member functions with no same-named free function...which
> > makes me wonder why these were chosen to be member functions
> > while the likes of getbit, setbit, is_prime, etc. were
> > chosen to be strictly free functions.
> Because n1692, the paper presented to the C++ Standards
> Committee in 2004 that I based XInt's interface on, has them
> there. I saw no point in cluttering the interface by adding
> free functions that just call those, although if that would
> satisfy this objection, it can easily be done.
That hasn't been accepted into the standard, so it can be improved. You might be the one to influence its improvement.
> > - pow2, factorial, nan: Same deal. I don't see a problem
> > with making these free functions and specifying the desired
> > return value as an explicit template parameter. It will
> > look the same but make the interface more uniform:
> > typedef integer_t< ... > integer_type;
> > integer_type x = integer_type::pow2(n);
> > vs
> > typedef integer_t< ... > integer_type;
> > integer_type x = pow2< integer_type >(n);
> I could easily argue either side of that one. When I
> originally wrote that code, the current method seemed
> ever-so-slightly more appealing; now I think the way that
> you're advocating might be.
I'd rather algorithms be separate. Even if you find that an efficiency problem, it should merely be seen as a catalyst to expand the integer_t interface to regain the lost efficiency.
> > Chad already knows my feelings on COW, but to be explicit:
> > I'm not necessarily against use of COW in general, but I
> > have yet to be given a use case where COW would outperform
> > move emulation in theory.
> I've located two: abs and negate. I believe those were the
> functions that originally prompted me to use it. I'm sorry
> that I didn't mention them before; I knew I had a reason for
> going to all the trouble of using it, but I didn't recall what
> that reason was until I saw those while working with the code
> today.
> Both involve changes to the sign bit only, and one only
> sometimes needs to alter it. It would be foolish to deep-copy
> a ten-thousand-bit or larger number just to flip the sign
> bit. Even worse, not to do anything to it at all, in the case
> of abs and already-positive numbers.
You can do the same, I should think, without COW. All you need is to make your algorithms less naive. The algorithms can manage the sign in a separate variable and refer to an existing magnitude or make a copy, as needed, unless I'm much mistaken. That is a little less convenient, but should obviate COW.
Rob Stewart robert.stewart_at_[hidden]
Software Engineer, Core Software using std::disclaimer;
Susquehanna International Group, LLP http://www.sig.com
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