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Subject: Re: [boost] [1.46.1] Release notes
From: Sebastian Redl (sebastian.redl_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-03-08 08:35:48

On 08.03.2011 10:17, Daniel James wrote:
> Hi,
> As always, I'm preparing the release notes. I left it a bit late this
> time, and there's not that many changes, so I've tried to summarise
> the existing changes myself. But I've probably got it completely
> wrong. So please check at:
I guess it's too late to still merge a tiny patch? r68990 fixes a
compile error in PTree's JSON parser, and without it, the parser is
completely unusable. The patch is very low-risk, as it only touches a
file that is broken already.

If I can still merge it, this would need to be added to the release notes:

PropertyTree: fix compile error in JSON parser


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