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Subject: Re: [boost] Boost.Thread: Support for variadic templates
From: Daniel Neuberger (daniel.neuberger_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-03-09 11:00:30
On 03/09/2011 03:07 AM, Anthony Williams wrote:
> Boost.Thread relies on boost::bind. As such, it won't support variadic
> templates until boost::bind does.
Any idea when boost::bind will support variadic templates? Any reason
Boost.Thread couldn't add the option to use std::bind instead?
>> We'd use c++0x, but it looks like there's no plan to support
>> timed_join and interruption/cancellation.
> You're right: interruption was too controversial, and timed_join imposes
> too much overhead on some implementations. If you need the equivalent,
> use std::async(std::launch::async,thread_func) to start your thread, and
> use wait_for/wait_until on the returned std::future.
Any there any workarounds for interruption? Possibly using Boost?
- Daniel
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