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Subject: Re: [boost] [Parallel Graph] MPI installation procedure
From: Julian Gonggrijp (j.gonggrijp_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-03-16 06:30:46
Cosimo Calabrese wrote:
> Thanks! I'm not able to recompile Open MPI on Win32, so I've downloaded and
> installed the Windows installer that I've found in
> http://www.open-mpi.org/software/ompi/v1.5; then I've configured the
> user-config.jam adding the line:
> using mpi ;
> So I've tried to build the boost with this command:
> bjam debug release -a --toolset=msvc-10.0 stage
> but it can't able to find the MPI install. The compiler message is:
> MPI auto-detection failed: unknown wrapper compiler
> C:/Programmi/OpenMPI_v1.5.2-win32/bin/mpic++.exe
> Please report this error to the Boost mailing list: http://www.boost.org
> You will need to manually configure MPI support.
> So I've tried to modify the user-config.jam in:
> using mpi : C:/Programmi/OpenMPI_v1.5.2-win32/bin/mpic++.exe ;
> But the error is the same.
The Boost.MPI getting started page also metions these steps:
> If your MPI implementation does not have a wrapper compiler, or the MPI
> auto-detection code does not work with your MPI's wrapper compiler, you can
> pass MPI-related options explicitly via the second parameter to the mpi
> module:
>> using mpi : : <find-shared-library>lammpio <find-shared-library>lammpi++
>> <find-shared-library>mpi <find-shared-library>lam
>> <find-shared-library>dl ;
> To see the results of MPI auto-detection, pass --debug-configuration on the
> bjam command line.
Did you try those?
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