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Subject: Re: [boost] [chrono] Interoperability with ICL and common concepts
From: Joachim Faulhaber (afojgo_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-03-16 11:59:42
2011/3/16 Vicente Botet <vicente.botet_at_[hidden]>:
> Joachim Faulhaber wrote:
>> 2011/3/16 Howard Hinnant <howard.hinnant_at_[hidden]>:
>>> On Mar 16, 2011, at 8:50 AM, Joachim Faulhaber wrote:
>>>> 2011/3/15 Howard Hinnant <howard.hinnant_at_[hidden]>:
>>>>> On Mar 15, 2011, at 2:00 PM, Vicente Botet wrote:
>>>>> The current std::chrono::duration default constructor has this
>>>>> definition:
>>>>> constexpr duration() = default;
>>>> hmm, I'm a little confused now
>>>>> The rationale for this is to give the client and the Rep author as many
>>>>> options as possible:
>>>>> typedef std::chrono::duration D;
>>>>> D d1; // d1.count() uninitialized - speed
>>>>> D d2 = D(); // d2.count() zero-initialized - safety if you believe 0
>>>>> is safe
>>>> This behavior is exactly what I desire
>>>>> typedef std::chrono::duration CustomD;
>>>>> CustomD d3; // d3.count() default constructed
>>>> But the current implementation of Boost.Chrono does not work like that:
>>>> typedef std::chrono::duration D;
>>>> D d2 = D(); // d2.count() UNINITIALIZED
>>>> Will the semantics of
>>>>> constexpr duration() = default;
>>>> implement the proposed behavior with the new standard?
>>> Yes. I'm not sure if any compiler yet implements =default for default
>>> constructors. I'm hopeful that this feature will be widely implemented
>>> soon. It has the semantics of defining a compiler-generated default
>>> constructor, which you can only do in C++03 if you don't have any other
>>> constructors declared.
>> That's good to hear, so my wishes for durations default ctor behavior
>> will be fulfilled at least in the future.
>>>>> D d2 = D(); // d2.count() zero-initialized - safety if you believe 0
>>>>> is safe
> Howard I have see this behavior with enum classes. It toke me a while to
> understand why the two preceding assignments results in different values,
> but after that it is the same as
> int i;
> int j= int();
> It is extraneous however :(
> Joachim, it seems that you have found a Bug on the emulation of =default
> Boost.Chrono does. Please could you create a ticket.
with pleasure :)
> I think that the user could survive to a duration that is initialized to 0
> even when the user has not requested it.
>From my view (generic interoperability) it's the better choice than
leaving it undefined in both cases.
-- Interval Container Library [Boost.Icl] http://www.joachim-faulhaber.de
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