Boost : |
Subject: Re: [boost] [context review] Several Questions
From: Oliver Kowalke (oliver.kowalke_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-03-21 09:18:15
> > sched_yield(): 2108 cycles
> > ucontext_t: 1795 cycles
> > fcontext_t: 156 cycles
> >
> Actually it is quite consistent with what you had show,
> the Boost.Context is better (but not significantly) then
> real OS (kernel) context switch.
factor 13x ?
> It would be very useful to see real usability cases. Because otherwise
> it is hard to estimate usefulness of this library
The lib is intended to be a building block for higher abstractions like coroutines.
> I understand, it may be useful for "yeild" like iterators and so
> but it is not clear how does it work and what is the advantage
> in comparison to ordinary event driven approach.
I remember that factor (http://factorcode.org/) does context switching for its internal working.
You can preserve local data:
void myfunc()
std::string s = "abc";
for ( int i = 0; i< 10; ++i)
if ( 5 == i)
// jump out to another code path not related to myfunc()
// and preserve value of i and s
// if we jumped back we return from yield i==5, s == "abc"
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