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Subject: Re: [boost] [inspect] exceptions (FW: [Boost-users] no exceptions)
From: Brian Wood (woodbrian77_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-03-25 17:36:03
Robert Kawulak:
> You can eliminate the try/catch from the code. For example, instead of:
> try {
> // do sth dangerous using cmpRead
> } catch(...) {
> cmpRead = 0;
> throw;
> }
> write:
> auto tmp = cmpRead;
> cmpRead = 0;
> // do sth dangerous using tmp
> cmpRead = tmp;
Hi, Robert,
Thanks for that. I tried it. The implementation is available
here -- http://webEbenezer.net/misc/rcb.hh . It's one line shorter
than the version with the try/catch, but it adds 3 minor statements
to the non-error path. On Fedora 14 with g++ 4.5.1 one of my
executables increased in size by over 500 bytes when using
the version without a try/catch. On Windows 7 with MSVC++ 10
there wasn't any size difference in the executable. I find the
try/catch version easier to understand though.
-- Brian Wood Ebenezer Enterprises http://webEbenezer.net
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