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Subject: Re: [boost] GSoC 2011
From: Andrew Sutton (asutton.list_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-03-29 09:17:13
> I am Mahbub. I am a CSE graduate. I just saw you had a proposal regarding
> queue and heap in GSoC 2010. In my undergraduate I did thesis on heaps. In
> that time I learned soft heap, it might be interesting to you.
> So I am just curious if you are interested in these types of algorithms. I
> saw no possible proposal category where these fits in, but I thought you
> might be interested.
I think this would make a nice summer project. There was work done
towards a library of heaps and queues last year. I think that a
soft-heap might make a nice addition.
I would suggest, as part of your proposal that you survey the design
of other soft heap implementations to get ideas for the design. You
will also probably want to look at the previous work on heaps and
queues. I think a proposal of this nature should address how you plan
to integrate with that work.
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