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Subject: [boost] [gsoc] JSON?
From: Rene Rivera (grafikrobot_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-04-01 20:29:10
Students and other interested parties,
I would love it if there was a Boost quality JSON data parser, and
optional printer, library. Currently I use one based on Spirit1 which
has many drawbacks. I've been waiting for someone in the Spirit team,
i.e. Joel, to have some mythical free time and inclination to write such
a thing. But I'd really love one sooner, rather than later. Having one
that is good and based on the latest Spirit would be wonderful.
I can't say I have the time to mentor such a project. Hence this is just
a though ;-)
-- -- Grafik - Don't Assume Anything -- Redshift Software, Inc. - http://redshift-software.com -- rrivera/acm.org (msn) - grafik/redshift-software.com -- 102708583/icq - grafikrobot/aim,yahoo,skype,efnet,gmail
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