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Subject: Re: [boost] Boost MPL metafunction shortcut
From: Dave Abrahams (dave_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-04-09 17:21:40
At Sat, 09 Apr 2011 21:48:57 +0200,
Joel Falcou wrote:
> I was thinking lately that it is a shame we can't do the following :
> boost::mpl::transform< SomeSequence, _1&>
> instead of the lengthy
> boost::mpl::transform< SomeSequence, add_reference<_1> >
> same goes for *, const, volatile :
> boost::mpl::transform< SomeSequence, volatile _1**&>
> Could it be possible to get such a behavior in MPL by having a pass of
> replacing type qualifier
> by corresponding metafunction until none are left then apply the lambda ?
> In the same vein, having a MPL trandform turning a sequence of
> std::vector into their corresponding value_type
> require out of line small metafunction to be written. I guess a macro like
> (type)(value_type)(reference)(const_reference) )
> builds a whoel familly of _v1, ..., _v5 placeholder which behaves like
> _n and expose typedef
> called value_type etc ... that resolve to said small lambda function
> directly.
> This would allow for a terse:
> boost::mpl::transform< SomeSequence, _v1::reference>
> Are these ideas out of the question due to some internals of MPL I
> missed ? Are they worthy a patch ?
They sound like great ideas to me. Aleksey?
-- Dave Abrahams BoostPro Computing http://www.boostpro.com
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