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Subject: Re: [boost] [locale] Formal review of Boost.Locale library starts tomorrow
From: Fabio Fracassi (f.fracassi_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-04-15 13:56:59
On 6/4/2011 23:29, Chad Nelson wrote:
> The formal review of the Boost.Locale library by Artyom Beilis starts
> tomorrow, April 7th, and is scheduled to last through April 16th.
> Please explicitly state in your review whether the library should be
> accepted.
Yes. (But I'm not quite sure if the format issue below might warrant a
conditional Yes)
> - What is your evaluation of the design?
I generally like it.
I particularly like that it integrates nicely with the std facilities
(esp. the use of std::string), and it integrates nicely with de-facto
standard tools for localization and translation. (gettext)
As far as I recall from earlier discussions it would be possible to add
a backend to be able to use qt's translation files, too. This would be
great, because it would then be possible to use the same toolchain
(String extraction and Translation tools) for Application backend code
when one uses qt for the Application GUI. (Even if not the QT Linguist
tool is highly sophisticated, so being able to use it would be a great boon)
I wouldn't require such a backend for inclusion, but if/when such a
backend gets written I would like it to be included.
Some criticisms:
* it would be nice if boost::locale::format would also understand normal
boost::format messages, or a compatible wrapper like
boost::locale::compat::format that did the right thing.
I think this is important! It would be very unfortunate to have two
slightly incompatible facilities.
* it would be nice if boost::locale::date_time and boost::date_time
interacted nicely, or ideally could be merged
* No boundary analysis in non ICU backends. it would be nice if at least
simple cases (only single codepoint chars) would work correctly.
> - What is your evaluation of the implementation?
I have only had a brief look, it looks clean enough.
> - What is your evaluation of the documentation?
First of all I like the layout, it looks nice fresh and modern, and
individual functions are easy to spot, something which I often miss in
normal boost docu.
But as others have noticed it is a bit hard to navigate, especially in
the tutorial section. (This might be a problem in doxygen)
One thing I miss is a more throughout documentation of the toolchain
needed to extract strings, translate them, ... At least an example for
each major platform with all the needed programms. Bonus Points for
build system (bjam and CMake) integration.
Some things are not quite clear
* is there a native program to extract translation strings for each
major platform? (Win-Mac-Linux)?
* how do locale::format and locale::translate interact? will a string
using format get translated? can I use all of formats niceness in translate?
* some examples on what exactly the limitations of non ICU backends are.
Something along the lines of if you do this on string x the result is y
instead of z as it would be with ICU.
As always when commenting on documentation I would like more How-to and
walk-through examples, especially in the reference section. (somewhat
like the qt docu which has a nice minimal code sniplett for each
function, which shows how the function is used to achive something)
> - What is your evaluation of the potential usefulness of the
> library?
Very useful. I consider a library that treats the localization as a
prime candidate for boost and ultimately for standardization.
I consider easy and central localization handling to be important
because mistakes and oversights in this area lead to subtle and annoying
user-visible bugs, which are nearly impossible to test automatically.
It is also a topic which is almost never a central concern of any
application (especially during initial development), and still needs to
be dealt with in almost all code layers, so a simple standardized API
which hides the almost insurmountable subtleties and complexities from
the programmer is IMO essential.
> - Did you try to use the library? With what compiler? Did you
> have any problems?
Not yet.
> - How much effort did you put into your evaluation? A glance? A
> quick reading? In-depth study?
Throughout reading of the documentation, quick look at the code.
If I have a bit of time later I will do a test run, and amend that info.
> - Are you knowledgeable about the problem domain?
Moderately so. I used Qt's localization an internationalization services
for a moderately sized application and a companion framework, and am
currently designing a application framework where I do not want to use
Qt, at least not for the lower code layers and inter module
communication, and need something suitable.
Regards, and keep up the good work
Boost list run by bdawes at acm.org, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk