Boost : |
Subject: Re: [boost] [TR1] tr1 functional compile time looks strange
From: John Maddock (boost.regex_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-04-27 10:42:32
>>> Does any of the latest patches botched something here ?
>> I haven't changed anything in TR1 for some time. Seems OK here, what
>> compiler/platform are you using?
> We have the problem on Mac OS X using gcc 4.5 and on linux too.
> I pinpointed the stuff to result_of. Using std::tr1::Result_of from
> functional.hpp take roughly 3s.
> Including boost/utility/result_of is less than 1s.
They're the same result_of, *unless* you've configured TR1 to use GCC's
native result_of in which case the issue is out of our hands.... though of
course tr1/functional.hpp #includes a whole lot of stuff that
utility/result_of.hpp doesn't.
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