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Subject: Re: [boost] [review] boost::convert
From: Jeroen Habraken (vexocide_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-04-27 13:14:19

On 27 April 2011 00:47, Vladimir Batov <vbatov_at_[hidden]> wrote:
>> Jeroen Habraken <vexocide <at>> writes:
>> Hi,
>> My review:
> Jeroen,
> Thank you for your input. It's much appreciated. Please let me address/reply to
> a few points that you make if not in an attempt to change your mind ;-) but for
> the benefits of other readers (if there are such).
>> Although this might be a matter of taste I find the choice of
>> operator >> to add modifiers rather odd, it smells a bit like
>> operator abuse. Also, it forces you to use braces in
>> std::cout << (boost::convert<int>::from("12") >> std::hex) << "\n";
>> for example, maybe using a member function is an option.
> Yes, indeed operator>> is the matter of taste and it's not exactly my taste
> either. In fact, at one stage I had the (manipulator_ = std::hex) interface
> available to align with (locale_ = ...), etc. As nothing is carved in stone we
> might discuss bringing that interface back (if it is decided to proceed with the
> library of course). Still, after discussions we settled on operator>> as we felt
> it was complimentary to the standard std::stream-based manipulators and,
> therefore, immediately familiar to the potential user.

Do you have a link to this discussion (if it was on a mailing list),
I'm curious as to how this decision was reached?

>> In might be nice to add a way to return a default-constructed
>> object to the non-throwing interface. This is useful in combination
>> with boost::optional: boost::convert<boost::optional<int>
>> ::from_default("XXX") returning an boost::optional<int>() instead
>> of having to write
>> boost::convert<boost::optional<int> >::from("XXX",
>> boost::optional<int>());.
> First, I have to disagree on returning a default-constructed object. Here we are
> likely to differ in our interpretations/treatments of the default constructor.
> To me it's just another constructor which happens not to have any arguments. You
> seem to treat that constructor as some kind of special/default even though in
> general terms it might not be even available for a class.

I do indeed consider it to be a special case but I can see your point.

> Secondly, I admit I've never thought of the above-mentioned deployment like
> boost::convert<boost::optional<int>. In fact, I am still having difficulties
> coming up with reasonable use-cases for such a deployment. I thought
> convert<int>::result does what you are seemingly trying to achieve with
> boost::optional.

They seem to provide the same functionality but using
boost::convert<int>::result when you need a boost::optional<int> in
the end doesn't make sense. Can boost::convert<>::result be replaced
by boost::optional?

>> The documentation covers all aspects of the library quite nicely.
>> This in contrast to the reference which seems mostly empty, in my
>> opinion it doesn't add much and can simply be removed.
> Yes, I readily agree that the Reference section is not perfect. ;-) I've been
> struggling with Doxygen deployment as part of QuickBook processing. That is on
> my TODO list (if it is decided to proceed with the library of course).
>> Since the behaviour of convert seems to be different to lexical_cast
>> (see below) it might be useful to add a section listing these
>> differences.
>> Lastly the documentation contains a couple of examples, it would be
>> nice to have these as separate files in libs/convert/example.
> Both of your suggestions make sense to me and I'll look into addressing them
> (the disclaimer again - if it is decided to proceed with the library).


>> boost::convert<int>::from("-123.2") behaves differently from
>> boost::lexical_cast<int>("-123.2"), the former returns -123 whilst
>> the latter throws. Whilst I'm not saying one is better than the other,
>> the differences should be documented for people switching.
> I feel that lexical_cast behavior is correct. I'll look into addressing the
> issue (the disclaimer again - if it is decided to proceed with the library).
>> boost::convert<int>::from('1') results in a rather long error
>> message ... this should be made clear in a more
>> user-friendly way.
> Yes, haven't I noticed? ;-) That problem is not exactly the convert lib problem
> and I believe is being addressed by C++0x. Still, I'll look into addressing the
> issue (the disclaimer again - if it is decided to proceed with the library).

Eric Niebler argued that bad template errors are a library bug (see
and I agree with him, this should be fixed.

>> Do you think the library should be accepted as a Boost library?
>> No it should not, instead the extra functionality should be added
>> to boost::lexical_cast.
> I see that you are quite firm in your opinion that "the extra functionality
> should be added to boost::lexical_cast". ;-) And you know what? That was my
> original request a few years back. Unfortunately, the cruel reality of life does
> not seem to give a hoot about what we think would be the best way to proceed.
> So, one can just sit there adamantly insisting on nothing less but his
> never-happening "ideal solution" or one can accept the reality and adapt to the
> circumstances. I needed a real solution to my problems. I had to implement them.
> As I understand "starting fresh" was a collective decision on this list quite
> some time back. That is the reason this convert thing is currently under the
> review. I again urge you to please dig the archives to see why that "extra
> functionality should be added to boost::lexical_cast" view is not exactly
> original and most importantly why it was decided *not* to proceed as you insist.

As you say this is a solution to your problem, not the problem that
boost::lexical_cast has which should ultimately be addressed by
someone. I'll have a look in the archives (do you happen to have a

> More so, after having to implement all that functionality let me assure you that
> I've come to a firm conclusion that that additional
> functionality/configurability is *not* implementable within the boundaries of
> the lexical_cast interface. In particular, the TypeIn and TypeOut types must be
> discriminated, i.e. one type has to be specialized first. Without going into
> details I'll just say that otherwise is just does not work. So, it has to be
> convert<TypeOut>::from<TypeIn>. You can take my word for it or you could walk
> that road yourself. Regardless of your decision (to believe me or try it out
> yourself) I feel it is quite short-sighted to deny the users functionality they
> need. I perfectly understand that this library is nothing revolutionary (like
> shared_ptr, bind, Spirit) but people seem to have need for that. Simply go to
> the Vault and see how many downloads of that convert has been so far compared to
> other libs.

I'm not saying your library doesn't solve a problem for users, it
definitely does. However, it isn't the optimal solution in my opinion.
Other approaches have been mentioned (see this thread for example, but were
rejected by the original author because he felt it should look like a
cast. Since he has abandoned the library I believe it is time for
someone to step up and take it to the next level. Anyways, we've had
this discussion before.

> As for lexical_cast "can not be deprecated or worse, removed", then I used to
> use lexical_cast a *lot*. I do not use it anymore and my world did not implode.
> The reason -- it does not do what I need it to do. Therefore, the impact of
> deprecating lexical_cast might not be as disastrous as you might imagine. Things
> are being deprecated every day -- vinyl records, magnetic tapes, CDs, (long list
> follows) -- it's called progress. ;-)

This analogy doesn't hold, a vinyl or CD can't be adapted to meet new
or extra demands, boost::lexical_cast on the other hand can.

> Best,
> V.


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