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Subject: Re: [boost] Checking interest: reflectable types
From: Larry Evans (cppljevans_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-04-27 16:06:15

On 04/27/11 13:53, Noah Roberts wrote:
> On 4/27/2011 10:42 AM, Matus Chochlik wrote:
>> There is also the Mirror reflection library which I plan to
>> submit for review once it is ready.
>> The project homepage (with links to docs and download page)
>> is located here
> Yeah, the original worked like that. We found the manual registration
> process ungainly. Also didn't do proper inheritance...which maybe
> yours does. Had trouble looking at the docs and seeing how to use it
> since the part that probably does all the work (classes.h) isn't
> linked in with the examples.
Hi, Noah,

Sounds interesting. I'd be interested in seeing the code.

> Use of mine is more like so:
> struct field0 { typedef int value_type; };
> struct field1...2 ...
> struct my_reflected_type
> : build_class
> <
> var< field0, rw >
> , var< field1, r > // can't assign through reflection.
Why not:

          var< field >
        , var< field const>

instead? I guess I'd have to see the code to really
understand why the extra type parameter is needed,
but maybe a short explanation would be enough.

> >::type
> {
> virtual ~my_reflected_type(){}
> DECLARE_PARAM_CONSTRUCTOR(my_reflected_type);
Could you provide the source code for:


to give us some idea of what it's doing?
> };
> struct my_reflected_type2
> : derive_from
> <
> my_reflected_type
> , var< field2, rw >
> >::type
> {
> my_reflected_type2()
> : type(( field0() <= some_val
> , field1() <= some_val
> , field2() <= some_val ))
> {
> // directly access read-only value and assign...
> var<field1,r>::value = 66.;
> }
> };

Hmm... does the user have to repeat this some number of
times, same the number of fields in the my_reflected_type?
IOW, for I=3...N (where N is number of fields in my_reflected_type):

  //repeat like my_reflected_type2

Or is this done by the macro using boost,preprocessor library?
I would guess the latter because providing all this boilerplate
code would seem too much to me.

> I also have a ref<> so bases can have fields to abstract types.
> So far functions haven't been needed here so there's none but I think
> I have a handle on how that could be done.
> All of the above can be treated as a fusion sequence and/or fusion
> associative sequence (including the param list).
> Building records on the fly with field()<=value syntax was very
> desired. Comes in handy when you have a function expecting a record
> with x,y,z fields in it, have those values, but don't want to build
> the record class.
I don't understand that. Could you be more concrete in describing
this use case, maybe by providing a concrete example?

BTW, a previous post of your's to the users list:

seems related to your:


syntax. Is it?


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