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Subject: Re: [boost] [BOOST CORE C++ Feature] the super or base keyword for C++
From: Thorsten Ottosen (thorsten.ottosen_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-05-02 17:58:42
Den 02-05-2011 23:20, Vicente BOTET skrev:
>> Message du 02/05/11 22:50 De : "Thorsten Ottosen" A :
>> boost_at_[hidden] Copie à : Objet : Re: [boost] [BOOST CORE C++
>> Feature] the super or base keyword for C++
>> Den 01-05-2011 07:54, tymofey skrev:
>>>>> I was wondering if it makes sense to add the well known super
>>>>> or base keyword to the C++ language in a generic way. C++ has
>>>>> multiple inheritance, while java and C# do not, so super
>>>>> would be ambigous.
>> Please see
>> http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2009/n2881.html
> It will be great if this technique could be used to emulate single
> inheritance base class aliases, so instead of duplicating the base
> type
> The single remaining problem is the forward constructor.
> We could add a macro that generates base like classes with specific
> names and have
> template class bitset : PRIVATE_BASE_ALIAS(_Base, (_Base_bitset <
> ((_Nb)< 1 ? 0 : ((_Nb) + numeric_limits::digits - 1) /
> numeric_limits::digits)
> )) { // private_base introduce _Base type in scope here };
> Of course macros are ugly and needs to double braquets.
Can you elaborate more on what you mean?
If there is only one base class, we can just say
using base::base;
If there are more base classes, then we probably can use either of the
inherited cobstructors.
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