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Subject: Re: [boost] [system] Boost.Timer replacement
From: Vicente Botet (vicente.botet_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-09-20 10:56:48
Stewart, Robert wrote:
> I dislike the idea of relying on a destructor to report timing information
> as you've done in run_timer. The no-throw demands of a destructor make
> I/O questionable since there is no means to report failure. I realize
> that there is a report() member function that can be called separately,
> but using the destructor just seems too odd.
Yes, reporting on the destructor would imply to catch any exception.
I have used the word stopwatch instead. From wikipedia:
"A timer can be used to control the sequence of an event or process. Whereas
a stopwatch counts upwards from zero for measuring elapsed time, a timer
counts down from a specified time interval, like an hourglass."
> "run_timer" doesn't indicating the principle feature: reporting. You
> might call it "reporting_timer" or "reportable_timer"?
I have used stopwatch_reporter.
> "report" does not imply a call to stop().
> Because of all of those strikes against run_timer, I'd prefer something
> like this:
> class timer
> {
> public:
> // as before
> void
> report(int _places = 2); // writes to std::cout
> void
> report(int _places, std::ostream & _stream);
> void
> report(std::string const & _format, int _places = 2);
> void
> report(std::string const & _format, int _places,
> std::ostream & _stream);
> };
I guess that we need reporters that are independent of the timer/stopwatch.
> Those member functions would capture a snapshot of the elapsed time and
> report it. (That means the I/O would affect further timing values; an
> accumulated elapsed time and a current start time could be used to ignore
> the time required for I/O.) A call to stop() followed by a call to
> report() would be needed to report the elapsed time.
> It still might be useful to provide an RAII class to ensure a timer stops
> at the end of a scope:
> timer t;
> {
> stopper _(t);
> // do stuff
> }
Yes, this will be safer. I had some scoped runner, stopper, suspender,
resumer that could be used for these purpose
stopwatch<> sw(dont_start);
scoped_runner<> _(sw); //starts on construction + stop on destruction
// do stuff
scoped_suspender<> _(sw); // suspend on construction + resume on
// do some stuff we don't want to measure, as e.g. i/o.
We could provide some specific stopwatch formatters that could make easier
the reporting as for example
cout << times_stopwatch_fmt("xxxx real=%1% user=%2% system=%3") % sw;
The single line run_timer from Beman is yet quite attractive and the library
could warn to the user of its limitations. I have tried to make a kind of
'generic' stopwatch reporter but at the end it relies always on a Formatter
class which of course can have a valid default.
times_stopwatch_fmt fmtr("xxxx real=%1% user=%2% system=%3");
stopwatch_reporter<> sw(fmtr);
-- View this message in context: http://boost.2283326.n4.nabble.com/system-Boost-Timer-replacement-tp3810315p3827090.html Sent from the Boost - Dev mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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