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Subject: [boost] [property_tree] Primitive types for data not supported?
From: Boris Schaeling (boris_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-09-25 12:18:23
I just noticed that Boost.PropertyTree doesn't support primitive types for
data (Boost 1.47.0). For example, this doesn't compile:
boost::property_tree::basic_ptree<std::string, int> pt, pt2;
The reason is this code in
template<class K, class D, class C> inline
void basic_ptree<K, D, C>::swap(basic_ptree<K, D, C> &rhs)
// Void pointers, no ADL necessary
std::swap(m_children, rhs.m_children);
Primitive types like int obviously don't have a member function swap(). Is
this an oversight or are primitive types intentionally not supported?
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