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Subject: Re: [boost] metatest interface update, better Boost.Test integration
From: Ábel Sinkovics (abel_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-10-02 07:07:13
Hi Ben,
Am Montag, den 26.09.2011, 23:46 -0700 schrieb Ben Robinson:
> > I would like to see more examples, collected in a single, easy to find
> directory, which include both the input code, and the printed output
> together, if possible.
The examples are in different directories (one directory per example).
They consist of multiple source files because it is easier to organise
them this way. However, I've collected descriptions of the examples,
generated outputs and links to the source codes in the documentation.
They can be found here:
Please let me know if you have difficulties with checking
There are two outputs for the example called reverse: one of them is
generated using metatest, the other one is generated using static
assertions (and g++ 4.5.2). They can be found here:
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