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Subject: Re: [boost] Interest in StaticVector - fixed capacity vector
From: Stewart, Robert (Robert.Stewart_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-10-14 10:02:58
Krzysztof Czainski wrote:
> I program for embedded, and I've beed observing this
> discussion with interest.
> +1 for policy based from me. I can imagine using different
> policy StaticVectors in the same app.
For sake of completeness, I'll note that Ion's idea of using a specially recognized allocator to effect the different behaviors in boost::containers::vector is in this vein. That is, being policy-based doesn't mean it has to be
class T
, size_t N
, class CapacityExhaustionPolicy
Rob Stewart robert.stewart_at_[hidden]
Software Engineer using std::disclaimer;
Dev Tools & Components
Susquehanna International Group, LLP http://www.sig.com
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