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Subject: Re: [boost] [Review] Boost.Atomic review starts today, October 17th 2011
From: Tim Blechmann (tim_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-10-17 05:21:04

> > The review of Helge Bahmann's Boost.Atomic library starts today, October
> > 17th 2011. It will end on October 26th.
> >
> > I encourage everyone to participate the the discussion on the Boost
> mailing
> > list about this very important library. In addition the code can be
> reviewed
> > line-by-line in code collaborator (
> Is there some explanation on how this works? I have created an account on
> that site for myself and see this Boost.Atomic review as being in progress,
> but it also tells me I'm not a participant.

not really .. you can simply browse the files, select files and add per-line
comments. not sure, if you have get the `reviewer' role or if you can add
yourself to the project (iac, i've just made your a `reviewer').

from my experience, code collaborator is better for code reviews, while the
lists are better to discuss the architecture, documentation, concepts etc ...

cheers, tim

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