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Subject: Re: [boost] [Re:Opaque Typedef] observations on opaque typedef
From: Vicente J. Botet Escriba (vicente.botet_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-10-20 12:51:19
Le 20/10/11 09:43, Robert Ramey a écrit :
> Vicent -
> I saw your post on this subject some months ago and I've reviewed the
> thread. I didn't look at the code though. I also looked at the C++0x
> document and I have something to say about this.
> a) as you know I'm the author of BOOST_STRONG_TYPEDEF which lets one assign
> a unique type to some primitive integer type. I did this to permit
> overloads on integers used for different purposes. The new types created
> had all the properties of integer types but they were all different types.
> So far so good.
> b) I eventually found the BOOST_STRONG_TYPEDEF did too much - what I really
> wanted to not to inherit all the interoperations but only some of them. So
> I've reduced or eliminated usage of BOOST_STRONG_TYPE from the serialization
> library implementation. Never the less, I do see it useful in other
> contexts so your efforts to create and opaque typedef seem useful to me.
> c) BUT now I really want something else. I want the ability to assign a new
> type to an existing type. The current typedef has
> the feature that if two different names are used for the same type, a new
> type is NOT created. That is typedef creates
> a synonym rather than a new type. I thought that C++0x template alias would
> do this. But a careful reading of the standard
> document that I have leads me to believe that if two names are aliased to
> the same underlying type - a new type is not created
> - just like the current typedef. So what we have in the new C++ is
> basically a templated typedef.
> d) what I really need is the equivalent to
> #define OPAQUE_TYPEDEF(name, t) \
> struct name : public t {};
> so I can say
> struct dollar_amount {
> ...
> operator *(const& rhs) const {..} // don't include this operator - makes
> no sense
> };
> OPAQUE_TYPEDEF(debit, dollar_amount);
> OPAQUE_TYPEDEF(price, dollar_amount)
> and then say
> void f(debit, t){...}
> void f(price t){...}
> Notice in my example, I don't want debit and price types to be true types
> and not just
> synonyms for dollar_amount.
> I realize that this is whole different kettle of fixh than BOOST_STRONG_TYPE
> or OPAQUE_TYPE. So this might be considered off topic. or maybe not.
> Comments welcome. Also anyone can feel free to correct my understanding of
> the template alias feature of C++0x to create new types.
there is a feature in C++11 that could respond to your needs.
|struct debit :|dollar_amount
| {
This paper
explain its relation to Opaque types.
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