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Subject: Re: [boost] [stl_ext_adv] ] Interest in advanced data structures
From: Ion Gaztañaga (igaztanaga_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-12-01 07:38:05
El 01/12/2011 13:30, Vadim Stadnik escribió:
> In principle there are many other solutions which can benefit from
> augmented data structures. I have a number of ideas as for future
> development, but I am not sure if they are really useful for Boost users
> and developers. This is why I asked Boost community about most interesting
> and useful applications for the augmented data structures.
> A generalized implementation of augmented data structures is possible. It
> is also possible that such implementation can be based on a simpler
> topology and data scheme than those used in the proposed library. However,
> as usual a generalization involves some risk of not optimized support for
> specific algorithms. For example, the proposed data structures support not
> only the high efficiency of algorithm accumulate(), but also a relatively
> high accuracy of this algorithm.
It would be very interesting if augmented data structures could be added
to Boost.Intrusive algorithms. This way could build intrusive structures
built on augmented data structures, and on top of that, non-intrusive,
STL-like containers.
If you are interested, have a look at Boost.Intrusive implementation to
see if we could introduce augmented data structures there and benefit
more applications.
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