Boost : |
Subject: Re: [boost] New libraries implementing C++11 features in C++03
From: Matthias Schabel (boost_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-12-01 13:18:56
>>> Because I have spent more than 10 minutes figuring why Phoenix code
>>> wouldn't compile, and that hasn't happened with any other C++ library.
>> What's the problem with having to _think_ for 10 minutes? If you get through
>> that experience it will take you only 9 minutes when you have to do it
>> again. I still can't understand why people complain when they have to use
>> their brains.
> This is not a helpful position to take, and to be honest I find it offensive.
> My job is researching AI algorithms, I consider myself to "use my brains" all day, every day, trying to design new and interesting algorithms to make progress in solving some really hard AI problems.
> However, I don't have infinite brain power, and 10 minutes spent decoding huge TMP error messages is 10 minutes I didn't spend solving them problems I actually care about solving.
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