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Subject: Re: [boost] What is boost: was New libraries implementing C++11 features in C++03
From: Robert Ramey (ramey_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-12-01 15:29:39
Stewart, Robert wrote:
>>> answer: yes!
>>> So I'm more of the view that we let stuff into boost as long
>>> as it meets quality standards. Then let users decide.
>> +1
> I can go along with that to a point. Anything accepted into Boost
> must meet the usefulness criteria. If too few find a library useful,
> it should not be in Boost. That helps to keep Boost manageable.
> Many burdens are multiplied by the number of libraries in Boost, so
> keeping that number small is one of many forces to balance when
> considering whether a library should be accepted.
To me, Boost is aready too big to make for a convenient deployment.
I see it as inevitable that Boost evolve it's deployment model along
the following lines:
a) libraries are modular. That is as an alternative to downloading
the whole package one would just download the one's he want's
to use (along with the pre-requisites - that's the rub!).
b) Boost would be more of a "quality/usefulness" certification
process. That is the boost review/etc. would stay the same
or perhaps even be re-inforced.
c) Libraries would be updated/versioned on their own schedule.
This would have the following effects
a) boost would be only as big as any user needs.
b) the issue of deprecation would take care of itself. Since
boost wouldn't be deploying the whole thing, any library
which no one used due to obselence, lack of maintainence
or whatever reason would just stop being downloaded.
c) Boost could continue to grow - which is becoming
tougher as it get's bigger. It would be a sad day if we have
to reject quality software because we're limited by our
capacity to deploy a large package.
Of course implementing such an idea would require a lot
of changes and effort. But I've seen attempts to evolve at
least similar to these ideas (rypll, CMake, use of git). But
that's not why I see this as inevitible. I see tese attempts
to evolve as a response to the success of boost and the
attendant growing pains.
Robert Ramey
> _____
> Rob Stewart robert.stewart_at_[hidden]
> Software Engineer using std::disclaimer;
> Dev Tools & Components
> Susquehanna International Group, LLP http://www.sig.com
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