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Subject: Re: [boost] [thread] patch to allow custom stack size.
From: Vicente J. Botet Escriba (vicente.botet_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-12-02 13:02:11

Le 02/12/11 17:58, Geoff Shapiro a écrit :
> Kenneth Porter<shiva.blacklist<at>> writes:
>> Geoff Shapiro<gshapiro<at>> wrote in news:loom.20111201T191114-176
>>> I'd like to see in your example how you see a user incorporating thread
>>> attribute settings for non-portable attributes.
>> Something I find useful under Win32 is the ability to set a thread's name
>> so that it can be easily identified in the debugger. This attribute is also
>> present in Linux and MacOS, but implemented slightly differently in each
>> case, with different limitations.
>> This ticket for the wxWidgets framework provides links to several resources
>> about this as well as some discussion about the differences in the platform
>> implementations:
> I had the same need in my project (where win32 is only one of the environments
> it runs in), and also implemented a solution. Thanks for the link which I will
> look at later today.
> While I believe the solution I arrived at is decent, I would have liked to see
> this type of thing considered in the boost interfaces.
Me too, but the problem is that these attributes are not portable, so it
will be quite confusing to provide them for only the platform that could
support them.

First I would like to open the door to be able to set attributes that
must be there at the creation of the thread. For the non portable part,
you could always use the native_handle and the native interface.


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