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Subject: Re: [boost] [thread] patch to allow custom stack size.
From: Geoff Shapiro (gshapiro_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-12-03 09:42:52
Kenneth Porter <shiva.blacklist <at> sewingwitch.com> writes:
> "Vicente J. Botet Escriba" <vicente.botet <at> wanadoo.fr> wrote in
> news:4ED912A3.5010206 <at> wanadoo.fr:
> > Me too, but the problem is that these attributes are not portable, so it
> > will be quite confusing to provide them for only the platform that could
> > support them.
> While the name feature is not identical across platforms, several of the
> platforms do support the idea, so having a generic way to set the name is
> still desirable for platforms that do support it. Since this is just a
> chunk of memory in the kernel, it could be easily emulated on platforms
> that lack it.
Also, while the posix standard (so far as I can tell) has not defined a
pthread_attr_{set,get}name set of interfaces, the VxWorks posix library
implementation has. The requirement, of course, is that the name be available at
thread creation. Unless support is included up front in the attributes class
Vincente proposes, it won't be achievable in that environment.
Having the support in the attributes class would be fine, even in those
platforms where setting name is done after creation. The boost thread
implementation could set the name after successful thread creation.
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