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Subject: [boost] [thread][general] Using and building the library
From: Vicente J. Botet Escriba (vicente.botet_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-12-04 17:29:46
there is a ticket for the Boost.Thread #4921 BOOST_THREAD_USE_DLL and
BOOST_THREAD_USE_LIB are crucial and need to be documented
related to the documentation of how the library can be used and build.
Boost.Config provides some tools that the library authors can adopt, but
is there a documented way to do it? If yet could you point it
Here it is what could be added to for Boost.Thread
Using and building the library
Boost.Thread is configured following the conventions used to build
libraries with separate source code
Boost.Thread will import/export the code only if the user has
specifically asked for it, by defining either BOOST_ALL_DYN_LINK if they
want all boost libraries to be dynamically linked, or
BOOST_THREAD_DYN_LINK if they want just this one to be dynamically liked.
The source code compiled when building the library defines a macros
BOOST_THREAD_SOURCE that is used to import or export it. The user must
not define this macro in any case.
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