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Subject: Re: [boost] Is there any interest in a library which solves C++ class reflection feature just like Java does?
From: Matus Chochlik (chochlik_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-12-07 09:40:44

On Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 3:21 PM, jinhua luo <ljh.home.king_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> Hi Matus,
> Just to clarify that my reflection does not need to make any assumption
> about the reflected class, i.e. inherited from any virtual base class
> (interface) or not, and the reflection API do not need to know anything
> about the reflected class definition or its base interface class if any. So
> you can see that the main program in my example does not include any
> compile-time information about the reflected class.

Neither does Mirror, it is non-intrusive and does not require
the reflected classes to inherit from any specific base class.

And the shared library
> does not export any symbol (in fact the registration just happens when you
> dlopen that library).

Does this also work with LoadLibrary/GetProcAddress ?
What are the advantages ?



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