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Subject: Re: [boost] Boost.Math and Math Constants
From: Barend Gehrels (barend_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-12-08 14:22:15

On 8-12-2011 11:19, John Maddock wrote:
>> Nice. But actually I need something else too. I don't think I mailed
>> this earlier so I use this announcement to describe this additional
>> wish/suggestion shortly.
>> pi<Real>() is a macro/function, but there should be a structure
>> behind. If I want to use a templated user defined type, such as
>> ttmath (I'm a fan of that library), I'm stuck (unless I oversee
>> something). Because it boost::math::constants::pi<T> cannot be
>> partially specialized because it is a function.
> Ah yes, the functions can only be fully specialized, and yes we could
> relatively easily add a struct layer in behind the function.

That would be perfect!

Thanks, Barend

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