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Subject: Re: [boost] [test, parameter, fusion] en/disable_if name clash in trunk
From: Tim Blechmann (tim_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-12-11 06:41:29

> it seems that the new boost::unit_test::decorator::enable_if, introduced in
> [1] clashes with boost::enable_if under certain circumstances. this
> currently breaks the boost.heap testsuite (see [2]).
> maybe the test/parameter/fusion maintainers could discuss, how that can be
> resolved?


the deadline for merging new libraries is in one week. i'd like to merge
boost.heap into the release branch for 1.49, but i won't do it, if the
testsuite does not build, because the enable_if name clash.

i have submitted patches to the tracker, but i won't mess with other people's

best, tim

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