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Subject: Re: [boost] Request: sanity check for a jamfile
From: Steven Watanabe (watanabesj_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-12-15 14:43:42


On 12/15/2011 07:36 AM, Daryle Walker wrote:
> I just added a new test file for Boost.CRC on the SVN trunk.
> I also tried to adapt the test jamfile to accommodate two
> test programs. I'm not sure that I did it right, so can
> anyone check that it works.

It isn't even close to working.

a) The unit-test rule doesn't work with the
   regression test system, and the syntax is
   different from run.
b) requirements <library>... only works in
   the project declaration. For targets,
   leave out "requirements"

I've modified it so it at least doesn't crash
the trunk regression tests.

> (I use XCode to build and test my programs.)

If you make changes to the Jamfiles, you really
need to test them before committing. It shouldn't
take more than a minute.

> The new file, "crc_test2.cpp", uses
> the unit-testing apparatus. The old file, "crc_test.cpp",
> uses the header-only minimal Testing facility. (I'm not
> sure that its link to the Test Execution monitor, in
> the jamfile, is needed.) I added a new testing file
> because I want to add a test case for a bug and Boost.Test
> has advanced so much that the first file is way too
> obsolete to be safely extended. It's change #75959 on the
> trunk, a.k.a. [].

In Christ,
Steven Watanabe

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