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Subject: Re: [boost] Boost.Math and Math Constants
From: Dave Abrahams (dave_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-12-17 14:41:48

on Sat Dec 17 2011, John Maddock <> wrote:

>> For what it's worth, I've been doing some experiments with constexpr in
>> GCC and it's now possible to compute maximally-precise
>> statically-initialized constants for any floating type via series
>> expansion, at compile-time. Crazy stuff.
> Crazy indeed - can you have loops in such code? Either way I'd love
> to see some example code if that's possible,

No, you have to use recursion. But you can use pointer indirections(!)

I've got some examples lying about.
demonstrates feasibility but I this is not the best way to calculate pi
and plus I don't know how to tell where a 2d grid actually converges.
It would be better to use Machin's formula, but was more interested in
the challenge than in actually getting a good pi and I'm just out of
time for playing around with it now.

I can also show you a version that doesn't rely on memoization in the
compiler (which GCC has) but instead builds its own linked-list
containing a history of earlier values at compile-time.
Again, it has
the same problem of not knowing how to tell where it has converged, but
again, I was just interested in the challenge.


Dave Abrahams
BoostPro Computing

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