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Subject: Re: [boost] boost and google search
From: Dave Abrahams (dave_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-12-18 14:37:30

on Wed Nov 30 2011, Rene Rivera <> wrote:

> On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 8:21 AM, Rene Rivera <grafikrobot_at_[hidden]> wrote:
>> On 11/30/2011 8:13 AM, Rene Rivera wrote:
>>> I would argue that in this case the behavior is actually good. Your SO
>>> question and answer is dated and hence fits having a dated link.
>>> Otherwise the link might point to non-existent documentation or totally
>>> changed behavior on the referred page and hence invalidating your answer.
>> And now that I think about it further I would argue that having the
>> versioned link is the most pertinent use case. The release links are only
>> wanted in two cases: when returning search results, and when specifically
>> referring from other documentation. The first being the subject of the OP.
> PS. Which suggest the most favorable solution as:
> 1. Change the release URLs to be temporary redirects (to make search
> engines not discount the release URLs)
> 2. Block search crawlers from indexing the versioned trees of the docs.
> Which should have the effect of searches returning the release links always
> without loosing the redirects.

I am not an expert in these things, but I do know the current situation
is kinda messed up and if you think you know what to do about it, please
be my guest!

Dave Abrahams
BoostPro Computing

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