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Subject: Re: [boost] RFC: Multiprecision arithmetic library
From: Christof Donat (cd_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-12-25 02:23:48


> 2) Wrappers around integral floating-point types to support wider
> exponent
> range.
> Another problem that I faced is conversion from bigint to double. The
> maximum double exponent is 1023, which is quite small to
> handle intermediate values of the geometric predicates. I ended up
> with
> implementing floating point type wrapper that extends
> double exponent to int64 range and think it is quite useful feature
> for
> problems that operate with big integers.

I like that idea. We have also been implementing our own floating point
numbers with a base of 10, because of requirements in the financial
business. I think it should be feasible to write a general wrapper for
floating point numbers with an arbitrary base as well. Taking all that
together we could have e.g. floating point numbers to a base of 77 with
five byte mantissa and 42 bytes exponent, if needed anywhere.


P.S.: Since I am rather new here, can someone please send me a link,
where I can teach myself about the boost development process?

okunah gmbh                                  Software nach Maß
Werner-Haas-Str. 8                     
86153 Augsburg                                    cd_at_[hidden]
                                       Registergericht Augsburg
Geschäftsführer                             Augsburg HRB 21896
Christof Donat                           UStID: DE 248 815 055

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