Boost : |
Subject: Re: [boost] RFC: Multiprecision arithmetic library
From: Christof Donat (cd_at_[hidden])
Date: 2011-12-26 11:00:46
> So the main reason against
> providing generic wrapper to suit both our problems is that probably
> it
> won't be so efficient in cases where you just need to extend
> double/float
> exponent.
I have not taken my time to think about the overhead of your problem in
depth. I'd simply expect, that you know that area better. From my
current point of view I think, that the efficiency issue chould be
solved with specializations for base 2.
Is there a place, where I can read your code to see, how you have
implemented that?
>> P.S.: Since I am rather new here, can someone please send me a link,
>> where
>> I can teach myself about the boost development process?
> I would suggest those links as a good start:
> http://www.boost.org/development/requirements.html
> http://www.boost.org/development/submissions.html
-- okunah gmbh Software nach Maà Werner-Haas-Str. 8 www.okunah.de 86153 Augsburg cd_at_[hidden] Registergericht Augsburg Geschäftsführer Augsburg HRB 21896 Christof Donat UStID: DE 248 815 055
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