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Subject: Re: [boost] [docs][crc] Did I do new documentation correctly?
From: Daniel James (dnljms_at_[hidden])
Date: 2012-01-07 10:53:26

On 7 January 2012 03:57, Daryle Walker <darylew_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> I completely redid the documentation for Boost.CRC in changeset [76335].  It uses Doxygen and Quickbook.  I guessed on how to do it by copying files from Boost.Move.  But I only did stuff within the BOOST_ROOT/libs/crc/* directory.  I didn't make changes to other directories, especially the BOOST_ROOT/doc/* directory.  Is stuff in that directory supposed to be automatically built?

You can either add it to the combined documentation so that it's built
under 'doc/html', or I can add your documentation to my build script
so that it's built in place. The latter is probably easiest as you
don't have to deal with the documentation being built in two different
locations. I'll try adding it tonight.

You didn't need to check in copies of the images and css files, it
should use the shared files automatically (which are in the 'doc/src'

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