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Subject: Re: [boost] [functional] adding overload
From: lcaminiti (lorcaminiti_at_[hidden])
Date: 2012-02-06 11:53:14

Gordon Woodhull wrote
> On Jan 31, 2012, at 7:23 PM, Lorenzo Caminiti <lorcaminiti@> wrote:
>> Just the case that you have a bunch of functions (function pointers,
>> function references, and monomorphic functors) with different names
>> and you want to combine them into an API with a single overloaded
>> function name.
> I think this will be generally useful.
> I wonder if you have thought about the case where the source funcs are
> polymorphic? Can this be supported using the same technique or does it
> require some metaprogramming magic?

I don't think it is possible to handle polymorphic functions because
overloaded_function keeps a copy of the function (pointer, reference, or
object) into a member of type boost::function<signature> (then
boost::function is called within the overloaded_function operator() ). If
`signature` contains a generic template parameter type T, I can't form a
proper boost::function<signature> type to hold a copy of the function when
overloaded_function is constructed...

I will spend more time thinking and experimenting with this. I will post a
code example illustrating the exact issue if indeed I cannot support
polymorphic functions.


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