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Subject: Re: [boost] [context] Providing template class enumerate in context.hpp
From: Julien Nitard (julien.nitard_at_[hidden])
Date: 2012-02-29 08:39:53

> [...]
>> because examples link dynamically libboost_context - you can add the
> directory containing the libs to your search path or you update to
> boost-trunk (changed to link statically)

 I have tried with boost trunk, the result is the same, nothing links,
(except echo_client.exe).

After analysis of the logs I think the problem is that the build system
can't detect my system properties properly:

    next alternative: required properties: <abi>ms <address-model>32
<architecture>x86 <binary-format>pe <target-os>windows
        not matched

My system may have two catches: first the OS is in chinese and I have a 32
bit OS with a 64 bit CPU. I am using MSVC 10 express edition.

I'll try to dig in the build system to see if I can find how the matching
is done.


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