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Subject: Re: [boost] Is there interest in a reusable stream-based console?
From: Michael Hava (mfh_at_[hidden])
Date: 2012-03-09 15:08:14

> I am interested in your library and seeing it become a part of Boost,
> however I agree that history, search, auto-complete, etc being integrated
> into the library would be key to making it a more useful addition.
I'll look into that…

> I can understand the header-only motivation, but have you considered
> using SWIG ( to wrap you C++ in your favorite
> scripting language and then simply re-using the interactive shell
> provided by that language?
Honestly not, as providing a way to interop with a scripting language was
not part of the original idea… (I'm not even that much a fan of scripting

> (example: )
Looks nice, but it seems you focused far more on the "programming language
aspect" than my original design was. You see I developed my first design
based on experience in a product I'm working on in my job, where we offer a
console in addition to the GUI for faster input. That console is deeply
integrated into the program and was never really designed from the ground up
to be reusable…

> About the interface, I'm not sure if a command should be defined only by a
> simple std::function. I've tried it before but I
> wasn't able to make it work as more information were required.
Maybe I should have explained that a bit more: the command-class uses a
std::function internally to store the callback that's to be executed, it's
not a std::function.

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