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Subject: [boost] boost.asio lib and CodeLite
From: Teemu (joonas_l_at_[hidden])
Date: 2012-03-15 08:34:39
hi group!
I´m using CodeLite + MinGW+ Unit Test 1.3 on a Win7 system. Now I want to
add the boost.asio library (boost_1_49_0) to CodeLite. I have already linked
a few files like: "C:\boost_1_49_0\boost\asio" or "C:\MinGW\include\boost"
and so on...
But I still get some warnings like:
In member function 'void
error: '::UnregisterWaitEx' has not been declared"
I´m not sure, if I have add the boost.asio library correctly and ifI have to
link some other libraries from the Windows system? I´ve read somewhere that
adding Win-files is necessary to run the boost.asio lib correctly, is that
right? and if, which files?
I hope someone can help me...
best regards
sry for my bad english I´m from germany...
-- View this message in context: http://boost.2283326.n4.nabble.com/boost-asio-lib-and-CodeLite-tp4474767p4474767.html Sent from the Boost - Dev mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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