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Subject: Re: [boost] [Review Request] Multiprecision Arithmetic Library
From: Christof Donat (cd_at_[hidden])
Date: 2012-04-03 02:12:35


> > Just thinking out loud... is there ever any use case for big-integer
> > exponents?
> Yes, those are very large numbers :-). I would say that int32 exponent
> should be good enough (I don't mean that it should be used). I am eager to
> see applications of int64 exponent range.

Mathematics has some need to work with really very big numbers. That is
whenever you try to disprove a hypothesis like e.g. the Rieman hypothesis by
experimentally searching for a case where it does not hold.

That is nothing I am doing, but it to my mind when I thought about where to
use exponents bigger than int32.

Is there any reason not to make the exponent type a template parameter so that
the user can chose arbittrarily instead of trying to anticipate future uses of
the library?


okunah gmbh                                  Software nach Maß
Werner-Haas-Str. 8                     
86153 Augsburg                                    cd_at_[hidden]
                                      Registergericht Augsburg
Geschäftsführer                             Augsburg HRB 21896
Christof Donat                           UStID: DE 248 815 055

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