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Subject: Re: [boost] noncopyable && C++11
From: Ben Pope (benpope81_at_[hidden])
Date: 2012-07-06 04:01:54

On Friday, July 06, 2012 03:26 PM, Ben Pope wrote:
> boost::noncopyable interferes with the implicit generation of move

Hmm, I see this was discussed before:

Which I failed to find first time I searched.

There is still the case where I want to prevent copying (but allow
moving), and boost::noncopyable was what I used before move semantics.

I guess we could have:

    class moveonly
       moveonly() = default;
       moveonly(moveonly&&) = default;
       moveonly& operator=(moveonly&&) = default;
       // implicit
       // moveonly(moveonly const&) = delete;
       // moveonly& operator=(moveonly const&) = delete;

So that there is an expressive and concise form of "I want this to have
default move semantics without being copyable".


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