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Subject: Re: [boost] [TypeErasure] Forward constructors and binded types
From: lcaminiti (lorcaminiti_at_[hidden])
Date: 2012-07-18 16:39:41
Larry Evans-3 wrote
> On 07/18/12 13:43, Vicente Botet wrote:
>> I 'd appreciate if the documentation clarifies what these bindings are,
>> how
>> they are built built and used.
> +1
> Before Vicente mentioned the binding thing, I thought:
> get<1>(t1)
> would return an any which was bound to an int, and:
> get<2>(t1)
> would return an any which was bound to a double,
> but now, if Vicente is correct, the get's return
> an any that has the complete construct bindings.
The behaviour of get can probably be deduced from its signature:
namespace boost {
namespace type_erasure {
template<typename Concept, class... T> class tuple;
template<int N, typename Concept, class... T>
any< Concept, TN > & get(tuple< Concept, T...> & arg);
template<int N, typename Concept, class... T>
const any< Concept, TN > & get(const tuple< Concept, T...> & arg);
However, get is not actually documented in the Reference section (a part
from the signature above) and it is not linked in the rest of the
documentation. get should be documented in the Reference section and a few
lines in the documentation body (get is first used in the Function with
Multiple Arguments section) should explain how get works.
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