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Subject: Re: [boost] Is there a way to specialize how a smart_ptr<T> releases the T?
From: David Hagood (david.hagood_at_[hidden])
Date: 2012-10-24 07:21:01
On 10/23/2012 09:16 PM, TONGARI wrote:
> Just provide it with your custom Deleter in the ctor.
> template<class Y, class D> shared_ptr(Y * p, D d);
OK, thanks.
However - this does require every construction of a shared pointer to be
passed that destructor - that seems error prone if it is known that all
T must be released by a given call.
If shared_ptr defined a release function:
template <typename T> class shared_ptr
void Release(T *t) { delete(t);}
and used Release where it currently deletes the object, then in a case
like mine, all you'd have do to is specialize it:
template <> shared_ptr<xmlDoc>::Release(xmlDoc *t) { xmlFreeDoc(t);}
and then all shared_ptr<xmlDoc> would correctly release the object.
I guess what I can do to avoid the risk would be to derive from
shared_ptr and provide the destructor in my ctor.
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