Boost : |
Subject: Re: [boost] [functional] Interested in can_be_called<F, Sig> metafunction?
From: TONGARI (tongari95_at_[hidden])
Date: 2012-11-04 23:28:05
2012/11/5 Matt Calabrese <rivorus_at_[hidden]>
> So, instead of specifying the return type when invoking the metafunction,
> it automatically defines an associated type "result_type," which a
> programmer could then check against if he or she desired. Again, your
> implementation may be more useful depending on the context, but this is
> something to consider.
In the case that return type is unimportant, just leave it as void, e.g.
can_be_called<F, void(Args...)>
BTW, the Boost.Generic Definition column in your page seems to use ",,,"
instead of "..." for
VA, is that true?
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