Boost : |
Subject: Re: [boost] Boost.Process 0.5: Another update/potential candidate for an official library
From: Boris Schaeling (boris_at_[hidden])
Date: 2012-11-13 18:40:59
On Thu, 08 Nov 2012 16:19:14 +0100, Alex Perry <Alex.Perry_at_[hidden]>
> [...]Would it be possible for boost process to provide at least a
> partial solution to this?
Do you have code you can show me (if you prefer in a mail)? I understand
you are using what you described in your own application?
> [...]Since implementation would probably require a static container
> doing this in a header only library is possibly more hassle than it's
> worth but just thought I'd ask.
No problem. As of today I'm a bit more interested to see though whether we
can get to an agreement in Boost whether the current version 0.5 is the
way to go (not sure how much you know about this library; but it's now in
total six years, two GSoC projects, one sponsorship, one BoostCon
presentation, countless drafts and months of discussions on this mailing
list that we are trying to get at least something done :).
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