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Subject: Re: [boost] static_vector using aligned_storage
From: Adam Wulkiewicz (adam.wulkiewicz_at_[hidden])
Date: 2012-12-17 18:06:42

Gottlob Frege wrote:
> And in fact it *is* a different container. Since the allocator is part of
> the type, it is a different type. :-) For once, having the allocator as
> part of the type is a good thing.
> I posit:
> 1. we want a hybrid "small string optimization" vector anyhow - I think it
> would be useful in many places
> 2. thus assume we have hybrid_vector
> 3. would we then want static_vector to be different, or just a typedef of
> hybrid_vector with a particular null_allocator?

I must admit that this solution is the most elegant.

Do you think that using boost::vector with our container be a good
solution for a hybrid_vector for no null_allocator? Or that it is
inevitable to reimplement the vector part and handle an allocator by
I'd choose the former since it wouldn't be reinventing the wheel. But
maby you, more experienced Boosters are aware of some issues which could
make it impossible?


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