Boost :
- Next message: Klaim - Joël Lamotte: "Re: [boost] [Git] Modularization of Boost.Any, Boost.Array, and Boost.StaticAssert"
- Previous message: Robert Ramey: "Re: [boost] [Git] Regression testing modular Boost"
- Next in thread: Klaim - Joël Lamotte: "Re: [boost] [Git] Modularization of Boost.Any, Boost.Array, and Boost.StaticAssert"
- Reply: Klaim - Joël Lamotte: "Re: [boost] [Git] Modularization of Boost.Any, Boost.Array, and Boost.StaticAssert"
- Reply: John Maddock: "Re: [boost] [Git] Modularization of Boost.Any, Boost.Array, and Boost.StaticAssert"
- Reply: Alexander Lamaison: "Re: [boost] [Git] Modularization of Boost.Any, Boost.Array, and Boost.StaticAssert"
according to our preliminary modularization, the candidates Boost.Any,
Boost.Array, and Boost.StaticAssert each have their own repository, even
though each of them consists of a single header file only (disregarding
tests, examples and documentation).
I propose to put all three of them into the Boost.Utility repository.
- Next message: Klaim - Joël Lamotte: "Re: [boost] [Git] Modularization of Boost.Any, Boost.Array, and Boost.StaticAssert"
- Previous message: Robert Ramey: "Re: [boost] [Git] Regression testing modular Boost"
- Next in thread: Klaim - Joël Lamotte: "Re: [boost] [Git] Modularization of Boost.Any, Boost.Array, and Boost.StaticAssert"
- Reply: Klaim - Joël Lamotte: "Re: [boost] [Git] Modularization of Boost.Any, Boost.Array, and Boost.StaticAssert"
- Reply: John Maddock: "Re: [boost] [Git] Modularization of Boost.Any, Boost.Array, and Boost.StaticAssert"
- Reply: Alexander Lamaison: "Re: [boost] [Git] Modularization of Boost.Any, Boost.Array, and Boost.StaticAssert"
Boost list run by bdawes at acm.org, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk