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Subject: [boost] Release managers: Boost.Thread breaking changes in 1.53
From: Vicente J. Botet Escriba (vicente.botet_at_[hidden])
Date: 2012-12-30 06:58:21


there has been some threads about the following Boost.Thread breaking
change in release 1.53.

"Breaking changes when BOOST_THREAD_VERSION==3 (Default value since
Boost 1.53):

There are some new features which share the same interface but with
different behavior. These breaking features are provided by default when
BOOST_THREAD_VERSION is 3, but the user can however choose the version 2
behavior by defining the corresponding macro. As for the deprecated
features, these broken features will be only available until boost 1.55.

* [@ #6229] Rename the
unique_future to future following the c++11.
* [@ #6266] Breaking change:
thread destructor should call terminate if joinable.
* [@ #6269] Breaking change:
thread move assignment should call terminate if joinable.

I would like to request advise from the release managers and of course
the Boost community. Should I rollback the default to
BOOST_THREAD_VERSION==3 for 1.53 and let the time to discuss the best
way to manage with these breaking changes?


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