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Subject: Re: [boost] [variant] Please vote for behavior
From: Larry Evans (cppljevans_at_[hidden])
Date: 2013-01-29 18:23:20
On 01/29/13 17:07, Joel de Guzman wrote:
> On 1/30/13 1:25 AM, Jeffrey Lee Hellrung, Jr. wrote:
>> On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 7:12 AM, Paul Smith <pl.smith.mail_at_[hidden]>
>> wrote:
>>> On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 8:27 PM, Joel de Guzman <djowel_at_[hidden]>
>>> wrote:
>>>> On 1/29/13 1:40 AM, Paul Smith wrote:
>>>>>> I am also
>>>>>>> not convinced that drawing from objects with "singular" values is
>>> wrong,
>>>>>>> regardless if it's a pointer or not. I think it is you who's missing
>>>>>>> the point because Iterators are likewise*not* pointers.
>>>>> Okay, so replace "recursive_wrappers are not pointers" with
>>>>> "recursive_wrappers are not iterators". How does it make it any
>>>>> different? A singular value still doesn't fit in.
>>>> The point is that iterators can have singular values. If iterators
>>>> can have them, why can't any other object (have them)?
>>> Why should any other object have them? Iterators are a generalization
>>> of pointers and that's where they inherit their singular state from.
>>> This has absolutely nothing to do with move-semantics, and that's
>>> exactly why I say that such inferences, just like the NaN example, are
>>> dangerously superficial. A moved-from iterator isn't singular just
>>> like a default-constructed recursive_wrapper isn't. Different concepts
>>> - different issues. The point I'm trying to make is that conceptually
>>> recursive_wrappers don't have a value of their own. They have exactly
>>> the same set of states as their underlying type. If this type has a
>>> singular value, then and only then does a recursive wrapper around
>>> this type has a singular value.
>>>> IMO, ultimately,
>>>> it's a matter of design. You may not agree with a recursive_wrapper
>>>> being in a "singular" state after move, but that's just your
>>>> preference.
>>> Okay, I'm not sure what exactly we are disagreeing about anymore.
>>> Do we agree that the move semantics we have in C++ are non-destructive
>>> (I'm not asking whether you like it or not. At this point it's a fact
>>> - not a preference)? If you agree with that, then you should
>>> appreciate that it's like that for a reason, whether or not you agree
>>> with that reason.
>>> A moved-from object should remain in a valid state. You're suggesting
>>> meeting this requirement by introducing a new (and yes, breaking)
>>> state, let's bluntly call it the "invalid" state, and you don't see
>>> what I'm talking about when I say that this is just missing the point?
>>> Then there's really nothing more I can say...
>>>> IMO, it's necessary for proxy-like objects that own and hold their
>>>> subjects by pointer. It's not quite elegant, sure, but C++ is never
>>>> elegant in many respects for the sake of high performance. I'd trade
>>>> this quirk for the sake of efficiency any day.
>>> That's a rant about how move semantics in C++ turned out (completely
>>> intentionally) to be. This discussion isn't about that, it's about how
>>> recursive_wrapper should behave under these semantics.
>> This discussion might be facilitated if Joel et al (sorry Joel, I don't
>> mean to pick on you, I just mean the group arguing for introducing this
>> "singular" post-move state) simply said "yes, we understand we're
>> making a
>> breaking change (by possibly introducing an additional state to variant
>> that violates the never-empty guarantee), but we still think it's the
>> most
>> practical approach to introduce efficient move semantics to variant".
>> I can
>> jive with that but I think Paul's concerned that you (again, as a
>> representative of the platform you're taking) don't appreciate that
>> this is
>> a breaking change to variant.
> No, Jeff, that is wrong. We are not violating the semantics to variant.
> It's not about variant. It's about recursive_wrapper. I think people are
> confused with this. The variant's never-empty guarantee still holds.
The page:
variant may be viewed precisely as a union of exactly its bounded
but having a singular-valued recursive_wrapper violates this view,
because there's no way you can dereference a singular-valued
recursive_wrapper to get at one of the bounded types.
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